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Agencia del Sector Público - Colombia


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  FechaTipo de Informe Título Emisor/Entidad
21 Dec 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sub-sovereign entities in Americas Alberta, Provin...
ATB Financial
Belo Horizonte,...
Bogota, Distrit...
British Columbi...
Buenos Aires, C...
Buenos Aires, P...
Chaco, Province...
CHU Sainte-Just...
Chubut, Provinc...
31 Jul 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sub-sovereign entities in Americas Alberta, Provin...
ATB Financial
Belo Horizonte,...
Bogota, Distrit...
British Columbi...
Buenos Aires, C...
Buenos Aires, P...
Chaco, Province...
CHU Sainte-Just...
Chubut, Provinc...
21 Feb 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sub-sovereign entities in Americas Alberta Capital...
Alberta, Provin...
ATB Financial
Belo Horizonte,...
Bogota, Distrit...
British Columbi...
Buenos Aires, C...
Buenos Aires, P...
Chaco, Province...
CHU Sainte-Just...
13 Sep 2022 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sub-sovereign entities in Americas Alberta Capital...
Alberta, Provin...
ATB Financial
Belo Horizonte,...
Bogota, Distrit...
British Columbi...
Buenos Aires, C...
Buenos Aires, P...
Chaco, Province...
CHU Sainte-Just...
05 Apr 2022 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sub-sovereign entities in Americas Alberta Capital...
Alberta, Provin...
ATB Financial
Belo Horizonte,...
Bogota, Distrit...
British Columbi...
Buenos Aires, C...
Buenos Aires, P...
Chaco, Province...
CHU Sainte-Just...
02 Feb 2010 Announcement Moody's Explains Diminished Gaps Between Local and Foreign Currency Government Ratings Albania, Govern...
American Capita...
Argentina, Gove...
Armenia, Govern...
Australia, Gove...
Austria, Govern...
Azerbaijan, Gov...
Bahamas - Off S...
Bahamas, Govern...
14 Nov 2006 Rating Action Moody's anuncia el impacto sobre las calificaciones de la metodologia de analisis de incumplimiento de pago conjunto para gobiernos regionales y locales no estadounidenses de America
 The document has been translated in other languages

Ahome (Los Moch...
Alberta, Provin...
Atizapan de Zar...
Baja California...
Benito Juarez (...
Bogota, Distrit...
British Columbi...
Buenos Aires, C...
Buenos Aires, P...
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